This version of WordStress contains the words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus. The list contains 570 word families and 3100 words. The most frequent members of the word families are grouped by ten sublists.
You can choose which sublist to start on and the number of sublists you want to play with.
Sublist 1 contains the most common words in the AWL. Sublist 2 contains the next most common words, and so on. There are 60 families in each sublist, except for sublist 10 which has 30.
This means that by practising and playing with these words
you will improve your academic reading speed and
writing skills.
You set your own speed and vocabulary size,
and can compete with yourself or your friends.
Highscores are reset when the app is closed
and restarted. Scores on GameCenter are
not reset.
Available for iPad and (soon) Android tablets.